Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Worldview ten Commandments and God Free Essays
Yvette Gross 11/9/2012 Apol 104-D11LUO As per the definition found in the dictionary to define â€Å"Worldview,†it is as follows. The overall perspective from which one see’s and interprets the world. A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by individual or a group. We will write a custom essay sample on Worldview: ten Commandments and God or any similar topic only for you Order Now This represents the theory which I use to understand, perceive this world. It helps me to function according to the â€Å"norm. †Therefore, I fit nicely in with the status quo and not ruffle any feathers. Or so they believe. PART 2 – The Biblical/ Christian worldview of Origin, Identity, Purpose, Morality, and Destiny. 1. The question of origin-â€Å"Where do we come from? How did we come into existence? †Christian believes that God created earth, the heavens and everything in it out of his own will. Christian believe that mankind was created by the one and only sovereign God (Genesis 1:27). The bible states that the process in which God created Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:7-8, 23). Adam was created from the dust off the ground and Eve from Adam. â€Å"God who made the world and all things in it, since he is lord of heaven and earth†(Acts 17:24-25). Therefore, we all are created by God. 2. The question of Identity-â€Å"Who am I†? â€Å"What does i t mean to be a human? †â€Å"Are humans more important than animals? Christian’s worldview teaches that God created man (Genesis1:27). We were created in God’s own image. We were given responsibility over the earth and rulers over animals (Genesis 1:26-28). Since we were created in God’s image, we are separate from animals and are given the right over animals (Genesis 1:28). We were known to God before our births. 3. The question of meaning/ Purpose- â€Å"Why do I exist? †The original purpose of the first man’s creation was when Adam rebelled against God. Men and women discovered themselves to exist in order to know God, to do his will, to glorify him, and to enjoy him forever (1 Corinthians 13:12). Why do I exist? †We are here because God created men and women to inhabit it (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:7). Also, our purpose is to know Christ, to allow him access to our lives, and to develop a personal relationship with him (John 17:3). We are to love other Christian believers. 4. The question of Morality- â€Å"What is meant by right and wrong? †and â€Å"How should I live? †The basis in which we differentiate between right and wrong is our knowledge of God’s law. This knowledge comes from two sources revelation and conscience. The bible says that God wrote his law on our hearts (Romatns 2:15). This is conscience. God gave a commandment to Adam and Eve in the garden. He gave ten commandments down to two essential commandments- love God and love your neighbor (Exodus 20). All of these represent God’s revelation of his law. 5. The question of Destiny- â€Å"Is there life after death†â€Å"What will happen to me when I die? †Christians believe in two eternal states for all human beings: Heaven or Hell. Heaven and Hell are both eternally places where people exit in the presence and blessing of God in Heaven (Revelation 21) or in a state of separation from God, being punished in Hell( Revelation 20 11-15) (weirder and Gutierrez pg65). A new heaven and a new earth will come. But the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night , in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up (Peter 2 3:10). Our salvation is a gift to any of us who wants to receive it. Part 3- How might/ should biblical worldview influence the way? A major worldview of mine is to do unto others as you would like done unto you. This is an important factor which I am cognitive of most days. Therefore, when addressing others it is important that I choose my words wisely. There are times it may be difficult and I need to be on a â€Å"time out,†however, this too shall pass. All humans are to be treated with respect, dignity without regard to their religious convictions, race or creed, and their social status. In the political/voting arena, my choice for any particular candidate is, â€Å"does he/she represent â€Å"me? †Do they represent my views? Will their worldview blend or shatter mine? Shall my family, friends and loved ones be represented as well? Furthermore, shall this candidate’s worldviews affect my life in a positive or negative manner? If any of these questions are received as â€Å"Nay,†then my support is withdrawn. An aunt of mine warns me to turn off the water faucets. It is a bad habit of mine to let the water flow freely as I do other things in the kitchen or house. She further warns that this is wasting water and goes on to explain â€Å"drought. †to me. Her warnings have awakened a new concern for the environment my children and I live in. No longer does the water flow freely. I am becoming aware of my â€Å"carbon footprint†being left on this earth. Therefore, lights are turned off, no littering or polluting our waters. The aerosol can has become an enemy within my household for it is weakening our ozone layers. A future career will be established in the same vein as my choice of political candidates. How will it affect my livelihood? Is there a pension attached. How will my medical needs be met? Will they respect my choice of religions and give me the religious holidays off? The main objective here is, â€Å"Do not ruffle my feathers. †Meaning, do not step on how I view the world. Do not insist I adopt your belief system that does not agree with mine. However, I shall respect your worldview. How to cite Worldview: ten Commandments and God, Papers
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